"Our hearts and minds still need considerable healing as long as somewhere deep inside we still associate fun with sin. No matter what somebody led you to believe, sin is not where all the fun is..."
~Beth Moore~
Today, I finished my journey through the book,
"Get Out of That Pit".
Today is the first day of my pit-less future.
God promises us in the 23rd Psalm that we "shall not want" and that He "restores my soul". So why are we so filled with fear? Is the Lord not the final victor?
Quite the contrary. Revelations 20:1-3 talks about this end battle:
"He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old,
who is the devil and satan,
and bound him for a thousand years;
and He cast him into the bottomless pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal on him.
Wait a minute...this says that God is throwing satan into a pit!
The Scriptures tell us in Psalms 57:6 that:
"They set a net for my steps;
my soul was bowed down.
They dug a pit in my way,
but they have fallen into it themselves."
I don't know if my favorite part is where God "shut him up" or where He heaps all that trouble satan every gave us on top of satan's head! Just think...every shovelful that satan throws on us will be thrown on his head.
God writes the perfect ending.
He doesn't have to 'work at it' or think 'long and hard'.
He just knows...He is sovereign and omniscient.
Satan won't know what hit him...
One minute, he will be looking down at us in our miserable pit...
The next thing he knows, God has set our feet on a rock
and a placed a new song in our hearts...
And satan...well, he will still be falling into that "bottomless pit".
"Right there while I was waist deep in the pit for what seemed like the thousandth time, Christ stretched out His mighty arm, reached into the depths, and said in a way that I could finally hear, 'Need a hand?'"
~Beth Moore~
"Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away."
~Song of Songs 2:10~
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