Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hang On!

"I want Jesus. A lot of Him. And obviously, He wanted me.
of me...
It takes two to tango, even out of a pit.
His part is to lift you out.
Your part is to hold on for dear life.
~Beth Moore

Sometimes, we are delivered instantaneously from our pit of sin, but the majority of the time, there is not instant gratification. It takes our hard work and relying on the Lord to get us out. Through us learning how to trust God again, our relationship with Him will grow stronger as we work so desperately to get out of the pit.

"Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;
O Lord, hear my voice.
Let Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with You there is forgiveness; therefore You are feared.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning."
~Psalm 130:1-6

Wait. What does the word 'wait' say to us?
The Hebrew qwh used here means "to lie in wait for expect, await, look for patiently, hope, to be confident, trust, to be enduring." After we call out to the Lord, we are to expect, to wait, to hope and have confident trust that God is indeed coming to our rescue.

Another definition of this qwh is "to bind together (by twisting)". The following illustration from Beth Moore makes this very clear:

Beth speaks of her young daughter, Amanda, would hold onto her leg as Beth did the household chores. "Her ten pink toenails stayed planted atop five of mine...dragging her from room to room on my right foot..." When her next child, Melissa, came along, she quickly learned this trick from Amanda. They would 'ride' together, each one grabbing tightly to their mom. "I'd walk all over the house with those two munchkins atop my aching feet..."

"This is the picture of 'qwh'. While you wait for God to work and to manifest your sure deliverance, you wrap yourself around Him as tightly as you possibly can...bind yourself to Him with everything you've got so that you will ultimately - inevitably - go anywhere He does. Hang on for dear life and never let go. No matter how long it takes...He'll never run out of breath or stop to soak His aching feet.
Pin yourself so close to Him you can almost hear Him whisper. His words will live in you and you will live in Him. God does not make His home in a pit. Bound to His holy robe, neither will you.
Beth Moore

Lord, give me the desire to be made new in you...let me put off the old self and put on the new. I give you my entire self as a living sacrifice. I will not find wholeness by conforming to this world. Transform my mind with your precious and holy Word that I may test and see that your will and way is good and perfect.

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