Monday, April 27, 2009


Have you ever assumed your ultimate fulfillment will be found in marriage? Have you privately entertained the notion that the only satisfied women are married women? Have you been expecting your career to satisfy you until you are married? If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions, then you have a prospect of disillusionment looming in the future.

'...A woman becomes a woman when she becomes what God wants her to be...' This priceless truth can help keep your perspective clear in relation to true fulfillment in life. Too many Christian women things that the inner longings of their heart relate only to love, marriage, and motherhood. Look a little closer and see if that longing isn't ultimately for Jesus.

Gary Chapman once remarked, 'I feel very strongly that marriage is not a higher calling than a single state. Happy indeed are those people, married or single, who have discovered true happiness is not found in marriage but in a right relationship with God.'

Fulfillment for a Christian woman begins with the Lordship of Christ in every area of her life.

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